It is one of the hottest and sexiest parties of the year and attracts hundreds of fetish lovers from all over the world. HOT-WIRED, presented by the (in)famous Suzie Krueger of Fist & Hard On Fame and Rob Rutt had it’s 5th event in October 2014.
It was the busiest event so far…and like we mentioned…with some of the hottest men you will ever see in any event…ad a bit of rubber or leather and you have one hell of a sexy party.
Despite problems with the coatcheck (the first time in 5 years), the promoters went all out with not only an amazing lighting, sound and super pixel wall…but also a multi faceted play room that featured a Caravan, cars and van for the party goers to use and explore.
This video is of the main dance floor highlighting the later and pixel wall.