CRUISING: What are the horniest cruising sites that Londoners are using? From sleaze to vanilla see below our comprehensive list.
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Yes, this is a Bareback site, so before you start to judge…everyone on there knows the consequences of barebacking and have joined the site because that is what they want to do. At least on this site people aren’t pretending’ to be one thing and do another. If you log onto this site you know that the sex will be 100% raw; no lying about ‘safe sex’. The site also allows members to post their HIV status, viral loads and preferences on the status of other people they would like to have sex with; although like the ‘safe sex’ box on other sites- never believe everything you read! We already assumed everyone on here was HIV positive, although some guys claim they are negative (like we said, don’t believe everything you read). The profiles are quite explicit, with equally explicit descriptions. The RT part stands for Real Time, that is, men who are looking for sex now; and many use if for sex now. There is a section called ‘Quick Connect Adds’ who are people who are definitely up for it now. Free to use, a small subscription gives you extra features like able to view people’s images in a larger format then the thumbnail and unlimited messages. >>visit website
A website for chubs, bears and their admirers. >>visit website
This is an American based site with plenty of London lads on here who use it as a back door cruise site. To view the London cruisers you need to enter the search parameters and select the appropriate location. The site is made up of ‘clubs’ of which you can belong to. You can restrict searches from several clubs or choose not to view certain people in your searches that belong to certain clubs. The site is FREE to join although a small subscription gives you optional extras like tracking. There are a lot of fit men on here, although this site is more a cruise and message site than a real-time website. There is also video chatting and posting. >>visit website
More a ‘gay myspace’ than a cruise site features video chat, the ability to upload your own porn, wank over other members porn, browse, interact, look at events and blogs. >>visit website
This site is quite popular Manchester way but still has a good group of London lads on board. This is more a sports-kit/scally type website. Quite a few younger guys are on here, and yes, some are very fit. >>visit site
According to the webmaster “I’ve created this online community for bikers, pillions and fetishists who may feel that their isn’t a recognizable central website that they can contact each other on. As I say we are purely an online community and are not connected to any similar gay biker groups. But at the end of the day it will be up to you whether you wish to meet other members or indeed start a local area group . Its totally free to join but all I ask is that you do supply an image of yourself with bike, in bike gear or as you like (please use sexually orientated images with discretion)….” >>visit website
Gaydar is probably the UKs biggest cruise site. Our experience on it suggests this site has become less action and more game playing; as it attracts a wide cross section of guys. The site is probably one of the easiest to use and set up; and although basic membership is FREE a premium account gives you more messages, message saving, the ability to view ‘x’ pics and more. >>visit website
This website is big on the continent especially Germany. It is 100% free for London people to use. It is more a general cruise site than fetish, although continent based, there are a few fetish guys on here. The site also has ‘social network’ type tools like groups and clubs. >>visit website
It is not specifically a fetish website, but a very active one in regards to people looking for hook ups and sex. Search parameters let you set up custom searches to find what you are after more specifically, and it seems one has a greater meet rate from this website than others. The site used to be FREE for the UK, but now it has a fee for extra services like checking sent messages and creating detailed searches. They have an excellent web based mobile app too (as opposed to the iTunes store app) which allows viewing of adult material. >>visit website
A site for those with little limits. If you like sex and your a pig, then this site is for you. Not only does it have cruising, it also has blogs, groups, events and more. If you like more oink in your life…then check out >>visit website.
RECON is one of the biggest fetish websites in the UK with plenty of interest throughout the rest of Europe. It is a portal website made up of many smaller websites that were more specific about their fetishes; so you will find a huge variety of different guys up for all sorts of things. There is a free membership but it has very limited uses (you quickly run out of messages and profile view). This is not competitive with the FREE websites.. However, if you are after a specific fetish or type…it many be worth forking out the monthly fee…. >>visit website
Kinky guys: BDSM & more…A place for guys who like to spend their evenings a little tied up…. Join to meet other guys like you. >>visit website
By the same people who bring you the fetish website RECON comes, for those who are into trackies, trainers and scally gear (and the lads that go with it). >>visit website